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的 year 2023 brought about significant shifts in the 就业 law landscape, impacting how organizations navigate the complex web of regulations governing workplaces. 美国.S. Supreme Court issued several consequential decisions in 2023, and these and other rulings may have major impacts on employers, altering established labor and 就业 laws and workplace practices.

2024年伊始, it’s crucial for employers to be well-versed in 就业 law changes to ensure compliance and mitigate legal risks. This article highlights important 就业 law changes that occurred in 2023, equipping employers with the knowledge needed to navigate the evolving landscape.


2023年6月29日 Groff v. DeJoy最高法院裁定,《梅高美集团4858》第七章要求雇主在拒绝雇员的宗教住宿要求时,必须达到一个更高的标准,以避免不适当的困难, 这使得拒绝这样的请求变得更加困难. 第七章禁止拥有15名或15名以上雇员的雇主基于种族歧视雇员和求职者, color, 宗教, 国籍或性别. 它还要求雇主为个人的宗教仪式或实践提供合理的便利,除非雇主“无法”在“不造成不当困难”的情况下这样做. 以前, 拒绝宗教住宿的不适当困难标准只要求雇主证明根据第七章规定的任何住宿将使雇主承担“超过最低限度的费用”.” 的 Supreme Court’s 2023 decision alters the undue hardship standard, 认为如果雇主拒绝宗教安排, 它必须表明,给予通融的负担将导致“与开展其特定业务有关的费用大幅增加”.”

雇主 subject to Title VII should become familiar with this new standard. 他们可能还需要审查他们的就业政策和做法,以确保他们能够满足中概述的提高的过度困难标准 Groff for any denials of their employees’ or applicants’ requests for religious accommodations.

表格i - 9

自11月. 1, 2023, employers are required to use the newest version of the Employment Eligibility Verification form (表格i - 9) 由美国提供.S. Department of 首页land Security’s Citizenship and Immigration Services. 雇主 continuing to use the outdated 表格i - 9 are subject to penalties.

的 new 表格i - 9 includes updated instructions and many notable changes, including the following:

  • 第1节和第2节已缩减为一张纸.
  • 编制人员/翻译人员认证区域已移至独立补充(补充a),雇主可以在必要时使用该补充进行初始验证或重新认证.
  • 第3节(验证和重新雇用部分)已移至独立补充(补充B),雇主可以在必要时使用.
  • 的 list of acceptable documents now includes some acceptable receipts, guidance and links to information on automatic extensions of 就业 authorization documentation.

在其他变化中, 新的I-9表格包括其他远程验证程序,注册E-Verify的雇主可以使用这些程序来履行他们的I-9表格义务.

遵守I-9表格的要求是有挑战性的, but failing to do so can result in costly fines and penalties. 表格I-9的修订为雇主提供了机会来审查他们目前美高美集团4688表格I-9和E-Verify流程的培训和政策. 


的 Supreme Court struck down affirmative action programs at the 北卡罗来纳大学 and Harvard University, likely ending the systematic consideration of race in college admissions. 在6-3的投票中 公平录取学生组织. v. 北卡罗来纳大学 6票赞成,2票反对 学生公平录取公司. v. 总统 & 哈佛学院院士, the Supreme Court ruled that both universities’ affirmative action programs violate the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. 宪法. 的se decisions effectively overturn the Court’s 2003 decision of Grutter v. Bollinger, 允许大学考虑种族, 除其他因素外, in university admissions because diversity in education is a legitimate aim. 

的 Supreme Court’s rulings in these cases will likely not directly affect employers. 然而, 它们可能会影响工作场所的多样性, 股本, 包容和归属感倡议, including the ways organizations promote and implement these initiatives in the future, 以及雇主的平权行动计划.


8月. 2023年3月30日.S. 美国劳工部(DOL) 宣布 a proposed rule to amend current requirements that executive, 行政和专业雇员(eap)必须满足豁免公平劳动标准法(FLSA)的最低工资和加班要求. 的 proposed rule to amend the FLSA white-collar exemptions was published in the Federal Register on Sept. 评议期于11月8日截止. 7, 2023. This proposed overtime rule is expected to become final during the first part of 2024.

根据FLSA, 受保雇主必须按联邦最低工资标准支付雇员所有工作时间和加班费,费率为1.5 times their regular pay rate—for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek. 然而, the FLSA provides several exemptions from minimum wage and overtime pay requirements. 最常见的是“白领”的豁免. 这些豁免主要适用于营业员,但也包括外部销售人员和某些电脑及高薪酬雇员。. 才有资格获得白领豁免, 员工必须通过三项测试:工资基础测试, 薪资水平测试和职务测试. 的 proposed overtime rule doesn’t impact the duties test for the white-collar FLSA exemptions. 然而, the DOL is proposing to increase the standard salary level from $684 to $1,每周0.59美元(35美元),568 to $55,068美元/年),起价为107美元,432 to $143,高阶教育每年988美元. 该规则还将使劳工部能够每三年自动更新工资水平,而不必依赖于规则制定过程. 如果规则最终确定并实现, the FLSA overtime protections will extend to approximately 3.6 million more workers in the country and increase the salary threshold by nearly 55%.

While the agency’s new overtime rule doesn’t impose any new requirements on employers at this time, it could significantly affect organizations’ operational and compliance costs and increase their litigation risks. 因此, 雇主应该熟悉拟议的加班规则,并评估如果该规则按照拟议实施,他们可能需要采取哪些改变. 


10月. 2023年2月26日,国家劳工关系委员会(NLRB) 宣布 a final rule establishing new criteria for determining joint-employer status. Joint 就业 situations can happen when two or more employers share personnel hiring, 监督管理实务. 当存在共同就业状态时, joint employers are equally responsible for compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

确定是否存在共同雇主关系, employers must evaluate the degree of control they exert over “essential terms and conditions of 就业.” Essential terms and conditions of 就业 include wages, 好处, 工作时间和员工招聘, 排放, 纪律, 监督和指导. 新规定废除了2020年制定的先前标准,并澄清了“基本雇佣条款和条件”的定义,“确定确立共同雇主地位所需的控制类型,并说明共同雇主的集体谈判义务.

最终规定于10月11日在《美高美集团4688》上公布. 2023年12月27日生效. 26, 2023. 然而,NLRB将日期延长到了2月6日. 26, 2024. 雇主应注意,NLRB将只适用于在最终规则生效日期之后提交给该机构的案件. 雇主, 尤其是承包商和分包商, 是否应该熟悉新规则,并确定更具包容性的联合雇主标准是否会在规则生效日期之前将其重新归类为联合雇主. 受新标准影响的雇主还应采取预防措施,确保其他联合雇主遵守有关联合雇员的劳动和就业法律的规定.


的 怀孕工人公平法 (PWFA)于2023年6月27日生效. 根据这项法律, 拥有至少15名雇员的雇主必须为因怀孕而受到限制的员工提供合理的便利, 分娩或相关的医疗状况 unless the accommodation will cause the employer an “undue hardship.” Industry experts expect an increase in accommodation requests by pregnant employees because of the PWFA.

《美高美集团4688》修订了《美高美集团4688》,要求为符合条件的个人提供与怀孕有关的合理便利, 分娩或相关的医疗状况. 雇主应熟悉有关法例,并检讨现有的住宿政策,并根据工务局的要求作出修订. 雇主也可以开始与可能需要根据《美高美集团4688》提供便利的受保雇员和申请人进行互动. 这可以帮助雇主避免罚款和诉讼,并为员工提供便利,让他们在工作中更高效、更舒适.


今年, a proactive approach to understanding and implementing these significant 就业 law changes is paramount. 认识到最高法院的判决和其他与就业相关的变化及其潜在影响,可以帮助雇主应对现有劳动和就业法律以及工作场所实践的任何变化, 并帮助支持他们的员工.

了解情况并修改政策不仅可以降低法律风险,还有助于建立一个积极包容的工作场所. 通过接受这些改变, 雇主可以将自己定位为不断发展的就业法领域的领导者,并培养一个有弹性和合法健全的组织.

雇主 are encouraged to seek legal counsel to discuss specific issues and concerns.

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